
06 July 2009

Escalation Round 3

Watching the Cryxian army burn the supply cache made Grissel feel tired. Her voice rang out clear in the night, "We ride for home with haste, it is time to leave this area and avoid any unnecessary loss." Grissel knew they moved too slowly, even as they passed the same hill she fought on earlier they Cryxian army was already poised to engage her. Her forces looked tired and beaten so she lifted up her voice in song to warm their hearts and renew their minds. As she did so a familiar face appeared to her from the dark of night, it was the Hero that had fought along her side, sharing tankards of ale and the glory of battle. "I could not stay away from you lady," the Hero boasted, "I have convinced a unit of my brethen along with another Hero to join with me in bringing you whatever assistance we may." Grissel's weariness faded upon seeing him and almost she reached out to grasp him, but then thoughts of her fallen partner washed it all away. Still, this Hero was persistant, and handsome...

His Army (I think)
Army Points: 748

Wraith Witch Deneghra 87
Cankerworm 75
Nightmare 121
Deathripper 38
Deathripper 38
Pistol Wraith 33
Bane Lord Tartarus 40
Bane Thralls (13 pts.) 82
Bane Knights (12 pts.) 75
Withershadow Combine 70
Revenant Cannon Crew 32
Bile Thralls (6 pts.) 41
Skarlock 16

My Army
Army Points: 751

Grissel Bloodsong 70
Pyre Troll 68
Slag Troll 70
Dire Troll Mauler 111
Horthol 66
Trollkin Long Riders (26 pts.) 113
Trollkin Champions 106
Trollkin Hero 38
Trollkin Hero 38
Fell Caller 35
Stone Scribe Chronicler 19
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew 15

We rolled the same stinking map that I had in round one. He rolled highest and opted to deploy first.

Denny - He put his Bane Knights on my far left with Tartarus and an Arcnode. Nightmare, Denny, Combine and Thralls in the middle. Biles on my right. Cankerworm on the backside of the hill.
Trolls - I deployed my whole army on my right side putting, Grissel and the two light beasts behind the forest with the Champs and Heros in front of them, Horthol on my right edge, the LR from the forest towards the middle with the Mauler. Fel Caller and Chronicler with Grissel.

Turn 1
Denny - He began with a cautious advance moving forward with just about everything, his middle group with caster came towards me around the hill and the BK moved to flank going around the other side of the hill. Cankerworm postures around the hill a little getting a better position.
Trolls - I ran my LR about 12" forward and around the hill, Horthol followed suit going right up the sideline. The Mauler did a full run, Fel Caller moved around to the sideline and hit the Champs with Pathfinder who ran forward 10 with a Hero going around either side of the forest Chronicler in tow. Grissel and the Lights went right into the forest.

"We will crush them and raise their bones to fill our ranks," Deneghra smiled. The Nightmare next to her seemed to itch for action, "you may have the Troll Witch, when you are done with her we will crush her bones to dust," Deneghra's gift to the Nightmare sent it so focused on Grissel that she could almost see the reflection of the Troll in its eyes.

Turn 2
Denny -
He advances again taking a fruitless pot shot with his cannon. Bane Knights run around the hill some more with the Pistol Wraith in tow. Biles move to get into position to purge while Bane Thralls move to intercept up the middle. One arcnode moves up and he tries a spell that ends up being short of the LR by about 1/2 an inch. The Nightmare also takes a point spot to countercharge and the combine takes up positions in front of Denny and the Skarloc a little more towards my right side of the board. Cankerworm postures around the hill a little getting a better position... again.
Trolls - Grissel moves out of the forest and Hoofs the LR. The LR the go their 21" getting all the Biles engaged as well as both his arcnodes. The Mauler moves up to counter charge and the Champs run again 10" nearly getting into melee. Chronicler hit them with Chapter 1 after going up the sideline. Horthol runs left a little in hopes of getting in the Nightmares way. Light Beasts block lanes to Grissel along with the Fel Caller.

Turn 3
Denny -
He proceeds to toast all the LR he can killing the two by his nodes with the Cankerworm and the Nightmare, his Bane Thralls go after the LR to no avail the skarlock activates and we measure to see if he in rage of a LR, he is and takes a free strike death for trying to move. Two of the combine move in on a LR doing some damage but not killing it. The BaneKnights decide to run over the hill finding themselves out of position with the Pistol wraith in tow. Denny does some stuff but rolls horribly and misses on the offensive, the last combine member covers her flank.
Trolls - Grissel moves up and feats then shoots at an arcnode for no damage. Champs run up into his front line attacking an arcnode killing it and a few Biles. Slag Troll moves up and shoots at the Arcnode missing it, forces for his ability casts his animus on a LR and hoofs into the Nightmare. One Hero charges left to the other arcnode taking out the node while the other charges some Biles on the right killing three. The LR move in on the Thralls killing all but two of them. Pyre Troll lobs a shot at the Combine hitting them for a few damage. Horthol charges the arcnode with the Hero by it and finishes is then Hoofs it to flank Denny on my left.

"Her best becomes my best," Deneghra began to cackle as sparks of darkness began to flow from her to the Champions. Their eyes glazed over and as one they turned their axes towards Grissel.

Turn 4
Denny -
Denny moves up and feats getting my whole army, then takes over my Champs. the Nightmare hurts the Slag for about half his life taking about a dozen damage for the trouble. Tartarus finishes off a LR who tough rolls hurting Tartarus for five, he hits him again killing himself because the LR tough rolled again. Bane Thralls move in and finish off the remaining LR but one remains due to tough. Knights take out the Hero on the Left but cannot get much else done because the cannot recieve the run order Pistol Wraith takes a few shots at Grissel doing a little damage and missing an attack. Combine snake eyes a magic attack on Horthol and position in front of Denny. Cankerworm moves in on the Fel Caller kills it and moves away. All in all two good feat turns. Though his seems better since he left me with very little and had a fresh unit of Champs.
Trolls - Mauler hits the Slag with rage and stands there due to Denny's feat. The last two LR kill the last Thrall. The best part about this turn was the Slag who two Hand throws the Nightmare at Denny boosting to hitting hurting her and killing two of the three Combine along with boosted damage on the Nightmare to finish it as well. Too bad the last combine member was still alive because he keeps my Champs for free because of him. Grissel Cachophony's again keeping the Knights away for one more turn.

Turn 5
Denny -
He moves my Champs in on the Mauler getting two of them in range of Grissel. She then has to push damage twice onto the Pyre Troll. Pistol Wraith finishes off the Pyre Troll. Banes move in on the Mauler but are unable to get close enough. The last combine member moves back out of the way so he can upkeep the spell for free to keep my Champs. Denny kills the last two longriders two more times but they keep tough rolling and one of them lives to talk about it. Cankerworm moves up and finishes off the Slag Troll easily taking a few damage for it.

Seeing the Valor of the Slag Troll, the Hero looked over the battle field. It was not looking good at all. He glared at the Cryxian Witch and saw Horthol bravely taking a sword to his side as he charge passed a Cryxian and into the caster. Grissel called a song to him filling him with renewed strength and bravery as he charged the witch himself. He would show Grissel why she needed him, even if she did not think she needed another mate.

Trolls - It appears I am done, with my Champs about to kill Grissel and his Cankerworm able to help if needed I decide to go for it. Grissel Heroic Ballads the Hero who Charges Denny through a gap but the Hero misses two of three attacks. The Mauler takes two Free Strikes from Champs to get close enough to Horthol to use Rage on him. Horthol then Charges Denny taking a free strike from the last combine member taking seven damage, eight damage would have unhorsed him giving him only one attack on Denny. Horthols Mount Crits to knock Denny down and hurts her good, he follows up and mashes her in the head ending the game.

After the Cryxian witch was crushed between Horthol and himself, the Hero clasped hands with the Lonrider Champion, "it is an honor to taste the blood of our enemies with you," Horthol bowed in his saddle as he praised the Hero. Ashamed at Horthols words he turned to see Grissel approach, "It seems I owe you yet another drink," Grissel nodded to Horthol and even winked at the Hero. No matter if she returned his affection the Hero knew he was Grissel's man to the end.

A lucky streak was with me this tournament for sure, I think I got outplayed in every game. Also, I hate CRYX!!!


  1. Anonymous07 July, 2009

    We all hate Cryx to some extent ;)

    Thanks for sharing the tale

  2. Actually if you are unhorsed, your activation is over, so be very thankful you made it through the freestrike!


  3. Glad someone is using Grissel; she's so underrated amongst my opponents till she goes up and does something crazy!
