
27 October 2011

Breast Cancer Brawl ~ Phoenix Games & Comics

Phoenix Games & Comics in Logan, UT
will be hosting a Breast Cancer Brawl Tournament for Warmachine & Hordes players to kick off our Breast Cancer Brawl!!!
Thursday January 5th at 6PM MST
All proceeds will benefit the Huntsman Cancer Center in Logan, UT

Warmachine & Hordes Events
Raffle - Pink Magnus Battlebox - fully painted by our own Sid will be raffled using BCB tokens $1 per token.
Silent Auction - We have found a Breast Cancer Surviver that wants to fight for you.  Pink Thrullg to be auctioned online at painted by Skywise.
Prizes - 'Pink' Warlock/Warcaster cards, Pink Paint and other prizes for those participating in the tourney.
Paint em Pink - Paint a 'Pink' themed peice from your army to enter in the painting contest. 
Brawl - Play Games, Save Boobs!  25 point Steamroller Tournament $10 entry.  $1 BCB tokens for in game benefits.
All this and much more will be available.  Who knows, it might even be a Pink Pyre Troll.

Constance and her warjack Gallant not only fight for the might of Morrow, she also leads the battle against Breast Cancer.  Keep and eye out for her appearance.

Take it big ~ Our Brawl is being extended to most of the big games being played in our lgs so players from all walks can participate.  From Magic The Gathering to Warhammer to the Board Game Club we're going all in.

Stay Tuned here at The Scrum for more info.

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