
19 October 2011

Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood Tactics

While updating an old tactica thread on the Scattergunners called Make Them Scatter it really got the cogs turning on how they can be effectively used with certain casters.  This inexorably moved me to our newest cast Jarl Skuld.  "The Devil" might look like Caine at first glance, but he couldn't play more different.

Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood

Stats - Jarl has decent stats for a shooty warcaster.  His DEF and ARM are equal and total 30 (I know it isn't that scientific, but its a quick stat I use DEF + ARM = x, if it is greater than or equal to 30, than I'm usually ok with with it.  For comparison, pDoomy is a 28, Grim is a 31)  When first my buddy heard about his RAT he said, "wow that is really bad..."  But for a Troll he is tied for the highest RAT in the army with Grim. 

Abilities -
Evasive - This makes Jarl immune to freestrikes allowing him to move away once he is engaged.  It also gives him a little bit of extra movement if he is missed by an enemy ranged attack.  Both pretty handy to keep your caster out of harms way.
Gunfighter - He gets to use his guns in melee using his RAT, which is good since his melee weapon is, well, just use his guns.
Swift Hunter - Jarl gets a little bit of movement after tagging an enemy, handy for ducking behind cover or moving in for a kill.
Tough - Yeah we're all suprised here.

Spells -
Magic Bullet - hit something with a ranged attack and an enemy model within 4" of what you just hit takes a POW 12 unboostable.  Yeah that POW 12 automatically hits.  Great for taking out pesky solos like a Croak Hunter or Eiryss.
Quicken - A model or unit in your army gets more SPD, on top of that they get extra DEF against ranged and magic attacks.  Great for helping low Defense Trolls get into melee.
Tactical Supremecy - like a mini 'Hoof it' a model or unit in your army gets to move a little after everyone is done moving.
Weald Secrets - Gives a model or unit extra defense when they have concealment or cover.  Where it shines though is in also granting Pathfinder to that same model or unit.

Weapons -
He has two pretty decent RNG and POW guns.  He is no Grim angus, but he gets more attacks and is more mobile in exchange.  Combined with Magic Bullet Jarl is the king of killing low arm solos or softening up casters.
Magical Weapon - Means he can kill incorpreal guys at will.
Black Penny - He shoots over, under, around, heck even through your own guys and it still doesn't give enemies a melee bonus.

Feat - Rolling Fog
This feat is pretty sweet as it helps address two of the biggest problems Trolls have.  1) Getting into melee without getting shot to death.  2) Getting in each others way due to our large amount of medium bases.  D3+3 4" fog clouds appear in the battlefield with a few added benefits.  Living enemies in the clouds get -2 to ANY attack roll.  Trolls get to move through each other, terrain and obstacles while they are in them.

Run & Gun - His miriad of abilities can take a mobile shooting force and make them experts at the hit and run.  He excels in mobility and with the right ranged choices he can give you three turns of unsabashed shooting goodness.

Frontline Flash - He gives Trolls the ability to first strike, which is rare.  He can make some of our already fast units downright insane.  Giving them SPD that even Legion armies can be jealous of.  Hitting your opponents with wave after wave of charges is demoralizing and highly encouraged.

Measured Attack - Take a balanced army and gain mobility to get the whole army there.  Slow Champions, no problem they can keep up with even Fenn Blades.  Hitting first with Champions is fantastic, charging a unit of Fenns through those Champions is priceless.

Synergies of Note
(in a completely unrandom totally biased order... or not)
Long Riders - Holy crap SPD 9 Long riders, really!  Crush a flank on Turn 2, attack them from behind on turn 3.  Quicken is especially potent on Longriders, and if Pathfinder is an issue bring a Fel Caller on top of it.  Good thing you can upkeep spells outside of your CTRL area right?

Fenn Blades - Under their mini-feat and Quicken these guys are totally nuts.  Pulling off the first charge has never been easier.

Sluggers - Their glaring weakness is the inability to use Rapid Fire when they move.  Tactical Supremecy means they get the movement they need and can still aim.  Is it going to make them a target? Maybe.  But its hard to choose what to shoot with Longriders running up your back.

Scattergunners - Weald Secrets and Rolling fog really help these guys pull off the second wave attack without a hitch and help prolong your tarpit by not killing them, and adding bodies to it.

Champions - Again Tactical Supremecy is golden here.  Now Champions can keep up with your Front lines to add to the mayhem.

Runebearer - Jarl is Fury intensive, with the Runebearer you can upkeep all three of your upkeeps and still cast magic bullet twice... yes ma'am.

Fel Caller -  His utility goes without saying.  Jarl helps with Speed, the Fel Caller takes care of any terrain issues that may crop up.  That and Jarl's army needs a melee attacking buff.

Impaler - Farstrike... nuff' said.

Earthborn - While Jarl really works good with any of our Dires the Earthborn stands out due to his firststriking cabaility.  Yes, quicken is better on a unit, but late Game Quicken on an Earthborn near rough terrain makes him a SPD 9.  If you have an Axer nearby, have it cast Rush on the Earthborn as well.  Now you have a Charge/Trample threat ranged of 14"  Not too shabby only Grim and eDoomy can sling an Earthborn that good.

Nyss - Yeap Quicken works on any friendly model and SPD 9 Nyss with Hunter and Pathfinder is pretty rad.

Chronicler - Trolls need all the help in the DEF market they can get.  Chronicler helps you whether the ranged storm that much easier by giving your units even more defense at range with Tales of Mist.  Where he really shines though is in his use of Hero's tragedy, not only will you get in the first charge, but all their warrior models will be falling all over themselves to kill the fenns.  Killing knockdown models is much easier for Fenn Blades during their vengeance move.

Sample List & Strategy
One of my favorite combos with Jarl is Longriders and Fenn Blades.  Yeah I typically prefer Kriels but the Fenns with Jarl are stupid fast.  Here is the list(s) then comes the strategy.

List 1
Quick Striking Jarl
Standard Army PCs: 50 / 50  35 models
[00] Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood (0 / 6 WB)
[02]  > Trollkin Runebearer
[10]  > Dire Troll Bomber
[05]  > Troll Impaler
[03] Fell Caller Hero
[05] Horthol, Long Rider Hero
[08] Trollkin Fennblades (9 grunts)
[02]  > Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
[11] Trollkin Longriders (4 grunts)
[08] Trollkin Scattergunners (9 grunts)
[02] > Trollkin Scattergunner Officer & Standard

List 2
Smaller Quick Strike
Standard Army PCs: 35 / 35  21 models
[00] Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood (0 / 6 WB)
[10]  > Dire Troll Bomber
[05]  > Troll Impaler
[05] Horthol, Long Rider Hero
[08] Trollkin Fennblades (9 grunts)
[02]  > Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
[11] Trollkin Longriders (4 grunts)

List 3
Standard Army PCs: 50 / 50  29 models
[00] Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood (0 / 6 WB)
[02]  > Trollkin Runebearer
[10]  > Dire Troll Blitzer
[05]  > Troll Impaler
[03] Fell Caller Hero
[05] Horthol, Long Rider Hero
[08] Trollkin Fennblades (9 grunts)
[02]  > Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
[11] Trollkin Longriders (4 grunts)
[08] Trollkin Sluggers (4 grunts)

Really there is alot of ways to go with these list and many variations to choose from.  In reality though the strategy is simple.  Longriders with Quicken run up one flank, while Fenns take the other.  Slugges and the Battlegroup advance up the middle.  More than likely you will feat early to help with the first strike.  Use your Longriders to crush one flank and help collapse to the middle.  Sluggers run turn1 and then go to town on the front line turn 2. Followed by the Fenns crashing into the other side of the front line.  Most games your opponent is literally getting hit on all sides.  You must be careful getting to close the turn before you charge them or you will get jammed, this can and will take all the air out of your sails.

Jarl's job the whole time is to take out pesky solos and key models with his guns and magic bullet, he can and should stay back in relative safety popping up and back for opportune shots. Keep an eye out for opportunities to get some damage on the enemy caster.  Jarl should have no problems softening up a caster for the killing blow and if they give you two rounds of shooting their caster it will likely be dead.  Remeber, it can often be a good idea to shoot your own guys to bounce magic bullet into a key enemy model.


  1. Why the bomber over an Earthborn? It would seem to play into the overall theme of speed that is going here and with Black Penny I am starting to think that Jarl is meant to be a melee caster. EBDT animus also helps out with more speed for Jarl and even further ranged shooting if necessary.

    Granted I am a complete whelp when it comes to trolls and it is all theory at this point.

  2. Consider the War Wagon in stead of Long Riders. Trample AND ranged attack simultaneously.
