They're drunk Scottish football hooligans. The flaming caber just adds so much to that image. "'Ey lads, let's set it afire!" "YEEAAAHH" Oleeee ole ole oleeee... ~Not Dice~
19 February 2012
Hello Fellow Trollbloods!
It's an honor to have been invited to contribute to the Scrum.
First off, an introduction!
Name: Joedj
Age: 40 somethin', father of 3 whelps.
Location: Olympia, WA
Faction: Trollbloods first and foremost! (though I have a smattering of all except 'gators...)
Favorite gaming venue: Olympic Cards and Comics,
Lacey, Washington
I started gaming with the original Battletech, my brother and I cussing as the Battlemaster or Archer would miss repeatedly. Detours into MTG, Mage Knight, Mechwarrior, D&D minis, WOW cards, and 40k, finally brought me to Privateer Press games. The Warmachine/Hordes system has been my favorite, in models, depth of tactics, and game mechanics.
Started with Trollbloods shortly after their release, the DTM had me at "Hello". Mark I was a lesson in humility for my Trollbloods play, but it hardened my resolve, and the miraculous wins kept me very enthusiatic. I now own all Trollbloods models except the Skinner, I even have two Winter Trolls. Mark II Trollbloods play is a blast and I remain, even after dabbling in many factions, a stalwart Trollbloods models and tactics fan.
I'm an avid modeller, decent painter, and encouraging Pressganger. I expect to contribute articles/commentaries on Trollbloods, general modeling, and anti-every-other-faction tactics.
See you at Lock and Load 2012!
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