
19 February 2012

The Scrum Painting Challenge Weeks 4 & 5

Sorry for the delay folks, life gets in the way, but this week we have a DOUBLE WHAMMY OF PAINTED MODELS INCLUDING a step by step tutorial by Zreef that I followed while painting my Pyre this week.  Enjoy!

So you want to create a lava troll of your very own?  Ok, well listen up, this is what you will need:

1) White Primer
2) Cygnus Yellow P3
3) Heartfire P3
4) Ember Orange P3
5) Khador Red Highlight P3
6) Khador Red Base P3
7) Red Gore Citadel
8) Scab Red Citadel
9) Chaos Black Citadel
10) Baal Red Wash Citadel
11) Red Ink 
12) Badab Black Wash Citadel
13) Black Ink
14) Small dry brush
15) Medium dry brush
16) Large (or extra larger) dry brush
17) Assorted detail brushes to taste

Part 1:  Lava Base Effect

Step 1:  Prime your model with the white primer, do at least two coats so that it is brilliant white.  This is important so the yellow is very bright and will contrast well with the darker colors to achieve a nice "glow".

Step 2:  Paint your model with the Cygnus Yellow from head to toe (or any parts you want to be "lava").  Do *not* worry about getting an even coat, an un-even coat will help your lava effect look more "natural" as it will add in variation.  You should see that some parts of your model are faint, but brilliant yellow, and others are a darker yellow.  
Step 3:  Dry brush your model with the Cygnus Yellow from head to toe with the large dry brush. You do not want a bone dry brush, it can be relatively wet and sloppy.  The goal is to get a bit more yellow on the raised surfaces.  Any "mistakes" at this point will not really be visible and will just make your model look more natural in the end so do not worry.
Step 4:  Dry brush your model with Heartfire from head to toe with the large dry brush.  You do not want a bone dry brush, it can be slightly wet.  You want to cover more than just the raised surfaces, but you want to be sure to cover most if not all of the raised surfaces.   
Step 5:  Dry brush your model with Ember Orange from head to toe with the large dry brush.  You do not want a bone dry brush, it can be moist.  You want to cover just the raised surfaces, but you want to be sure to cover most if not all of the raised surfaces.  (picture tutorial 1 goes here)
Step 6:  Now from here on out we need to be careful as mistakes will become more visible in the end product.  Still use the large dry brush and dry brush the Khador Red Highlight, but only hit the surfaces you want to be "cooler", for the mauler this is the back, the spines, and the back sides of both arms.  You want a bone dry brush and you may need to do two passes.
Step 7:  Now from here on out we need to be careful as mistakes will become more visible in the end product.  Still use the large dry brush and dry brush the Khador Red Base, but only hit the surfaces you want to be "cooler", for the mauler this is the back, the spines, and the back sides of both arms.  You want a bone dry brush and you may need to do two passes. (picture tutorial 2 goes here)
Step 8:  Now from here on out we need to be careful as mistakes will become more visible in the end product.  Switch to the medium dry brush and dry brush the Red Gore, but only hit the surfaces you want to be "cooler", for the mauler this is the back, the spines, and the back sides of both arms.  Cover strictly LESS area than in Step 6 and 7. You want a bone dry brush and you may need to do two passes.
Step 9:  Now from here on out we need to be careful as mistakes will become more visible in the end product.  Still use the medium dry brush and dry brush the Scab Red, but only hit the surfaces you want to be "cooler", for the mauler this is the back, the spines, and the back sides of both arms.  Cover strictly LESS area than in Step 8. You want a bone dry brush and you may need to do two passes. (picture tutorial 3 goes here)
Step 10: Now from here on out we need to be careful as mistakes will become more visible in the end product.  Still use the medium dry brush and dry brush the Chaos Black, but only hit the surfaces you want to be "cooler", for the mauler this is the back, the spines, and the back sides of both arms.  Cover strictly LESS area than in Step 9. You want a bone dry brush and you may need to do two passes. (pictures tutorial 4 and tutorial 4 back go here)

Part 2:  Lava Effect Shading

Step 1:  Using the small dry brush do one more coat of Chaos black dry brushing as in Step 10 of part 1.
Step 2:  Using a detail brush, get a very wet brush with Baal Red Wash.  Paint like you would normal paint over all black surfaces from Step 1 in Part 2 and Step 10 in Part 1. This will help darken the transition from "cool lava" to black "hardened lava". 
Step 3:  Pick out some details (I just mainly do protrusions) and using a mostly dry detail brush with Ball Red Wash, paint over the protrusions.  This step adds contrast between low and raised areas of the model. It also helps fix up parts we might have missed dry brushing.
Step 4:  Pick out some details in the "cool area" you want to look more solidified. Paint these details with a small detail brush with chaos black.
Step 5:  Repeat Steps 2-3
Step 6:  Repeat Steps 2-3 ...  you basically want to go slow and keep building up contras areas in the model, you will not be able to see much difference during each step, but slowly you will build up the darker areas. (pictures tutorial 5 and tutorial 5 back go here)
Week 4

Week 5


  1. Wow, that wasn't a lot for week 5. May we begin to mercilessly taunt people now? I will begin with taunting theummhmmguy.

    Looking good everyone... but Dallas!

  2. Good painters paint well, bad painters paint like me.
