
11 March 2012

The Scrum Painting Challenge Week 8

Well we have our 10 contestants pulling strong and keeping up their workload.  Even Blah made his contribution from sunny California when he wasn't visiting Disneyland!

My Battle Engine is coming alone slowly and I have my replacement tuffalo in the mail so it'll start seeing some more completion this week.  I'd be lying if I didn't say this was a little daunting.  It's such a huge model with so much detail it's hard to get myself to sit down for more then an hour and work on the damn thing.  But, I will persevere!  Thanks to everyone who watched my unboxing video!  You'll be seeing more of them as time goes on specifically when I get my dirty Mits on the new plastic dire and Rok kit.

The Door Prize has been chosen.  Our lucky door prize winner will receive a Kilt Lifter Painted by your very own GORIS!  That's right, I'll paint something for you!  Keep those models coming guys!

1 comment:

  1. Really like that Earthborn, Lava-ship War Wagon, and giant-rock Runeshaper!
