
09 April 2012

Trollblood Names: A guide for Role-playing or naming your models!

In order to provide a resource database of names of Trollblood Kith and Warbeasts (just for fun), I gleaned through as much literature as I own to find the following names. I hope you find them helpful in your IKRPG or when you are considering names for your model's bases!

Let the word go forth, we recognize these Trollblood Kith and loyal beasts of war that even now defend our Kriels and lands. May their heroic deeds be so numerous, the very mountains must be inscribed to honor them.*


Belkord Elder Sorcerer
Evolution, p9
Belkord albino Sorcerer and Scout for Madrak No Quarter 5, p31
Beltun Juln Scattergunner SGT No Quarter 37, p9
Benlor Saddleborn Jelkilar Kriel Longrider Evolution, p38
Benlor Saddleborn Longrider Forces of Hordes (TB), p82
Beremen Fensword Champion Kithkar (anti-Skorne) No Quarter 10, p49
Bloodthorn's Dirge Band of Champions No Quarter 10, p47
Bontur Irongullet Krielstone Bearer Primal MK I, p93
Bortas Helgin Kith Elder No Quarter 22, p12
Bortas Helgin Kith Elder Forces of Hordes (TB), p90
Bron Axer Primal MK I, p6
Brothan Quillvan Kriel Warrior Primal MK II, p118
Claysoil Wash Kriel name No Quarter 10, p49
Craggen Runewalker Stone Scribe Elder No Quarter 10th Anniv., p31
Dursul Female Slugger SGT Forces of Hordes (TB), p5
Elken Fallentree Kithkar Primal MK II, p112
Gallum Thornwood Krielstone Bearer of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Ganthar One-Eye Champion Kithkar No Quarter 10, p46
Ganthar One-Eye Champion Kithkar (anti-Legion) No Quarter 10, p49
Genlas Gnarlheard Elder Fell Caller Primal MK I, p72
Gnarls Kriel name No Quarter 10, p49
Goland Stonefist Trollkin Shaman Primal MK I, p140
Goland Stonefist Trollkin Shaman Primal MK II, p171
Golmfar Kriel name No Quarter 10, p49
Gorkalis Elder Runeshaper Forces of Hordes (TB), p83
Gorlash Scattergunner SGT Primal MK II, p122
Gosarn Elder Primal MK II, p9
Granitesong Runebearer of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Grimhand's Bloody March Band of Champions No Quarter 10, p47
Grivyl Runebearer of the Gnarls Forces of Hordes (TB), p81
Gylys Riverheart Stone Scribe Elder No Quarter 21, p44
Gylys Riverheart Stone Scribe Elder Forces of Hordes (TB), p75
Haggran Bilebreath Scarsfell Forest Kriel Evolution, p102
Haglin Moorborn Kriel Warrior Evolution, p40
Haglin Moorborn Krielwarrior Forces of Hordes (TB), p71
Haltor Chronicler Primal MK II, p9
Harga Stonebones Champion No Quarter 34, p32
Hartol Runebearer of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Hasset Trollkin Elder Primal MK I, p72
Herg Stonejaw Skinner Forces of Hordes (TB), p92
Horspar Kithkar of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Horthol Haleblade Champion Kithkar No Quarter 10, p49
Hurgid Molok Fell Caller No Quarter 10, p60
Jata Lorgash Kriel Warrior War Shaman Primal MK I, p91
Jatarak Kriel Warrior Evolution, p66
Jolias Scout Forces of Hordes (TB), p4
Jor Impaler Primal MK I, p10
Jortor Kriel name No Quarter 10, p49
Kald Bouncer Evolution, p8
Kargess Madrak's mate Evolution, p8
Kartol of the Bloodsmeath Stone Scribe Chronicler Evolution, p41
Kortu Axer Primal MK II, p9
Krasmar Jaggedscar Elder Shaman Evolution, p15
Krasmar Jaggedscar Shaman Forces of Hordes (TB), p44
Kreundar Nord Kith, Scarsfell Primal MK I, p158
Kruendar Kith Primal MK II, p195
Lethral Halfhand Stone Scribe Primal MK II, p119
Lethral Halfhand Krielstone Stone Scribe Forces of Hordes (TB), p74
Loknor Longrider Kithkar No Quarter 23, p15
Margor Kriel name No Quarter 10, p76
Mortor Chief Forces of Hordes (TB), p80
Mudwound Kithkar of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Murok Scattergunner Kithkar Primal MK I, p72
Nargath the Scarred Chieftan (vs Deathjack) No Quarter 35, p55
Nargol Pyg Bushwhacker No Quarter 14, p47
Niolor Midwife of Lorgash Kriel No Quarter 9, p63
Noral Stonemapper Krielstone Bearer (league model) No Quarter 30, p64
Rathlok Fell Caller No Quarter 2, 26
Ravsa mate Primal MK II, p6
Redhand Kithkar of Grissel's Irregulars Forces of Hordes (TB), p23
Tassek Bloodthorn Champion Kithkar (anti-Cryx) No Quarter 10, p49
Thornwood Kriel name No Quarter 10, p49
Toln Canngrave Kithkar Forces of Hordes (TB), p81
Toreth Kellsweaver Fell Caller Primal MK II, p123
Torkar Stonecarver Primal MK II, p8
Torush Fennborn Champion Primal MK I, p89
Torush Fennborn Champion Primal MK II, p121
Truk Dire Troll Bomber Forces of Hordes (TB), p4
Varkos Chronicler Evolution, p15
Varok Champion No Quarter 34, p32
Warden Blades of Horthol Band of Champions No Quarter 10, p47
Yorin of Nartol Longrider Forces of Hordes (TB), p7

As is written in our hearts, so be it written in stone. These are the names of our historical and/or heroic fallen Trollblood kith and warbeasts.*

Agnar Stonebones Champion Hero, father No Quarter 34, p41
Alanda Kaleeh Chronicler for Haymor Nine-Maker No Quarter 41, p56
Anmay the Deep-Forged Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Baleface Beman Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Balind Ashwalker Chief? No Quarter 41, p50
Belgarak the Younger Champion No Quarter 41, p56
Bloodsul Horfar's (female) War Captain No Quarter 41, p50
Borthas kith Primal MK II, p6
Cortol kith Primal MK II, p6
Felken Horfar's Blood Brother No Quarter 41, p50
Felltongue Rothnor Rothnor kriel Chief No Quarter 41, p55
Gelfas famous son of Grindar Evolution, pg41
Greyfist War Chief No Quarter 41, p50
Grindar General, Tolok Kriel Primal MK I, pg74
Gritt Pyre Troll Forces of Hordes (TB), p8
Gunit Pyg bushwhacker with Grim vs. LOE No Quarter 14, p49
Haymor Nine-Maker Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Highstream Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Hilfagorn Gronnek Champion, later Hilfagorn 'the Bloody' No Quarter 41, p56
Hoarluk Doomweaver originally 'weaver', not 'shaper' No Quarter 2, p64
Horfar Grimmr famous Chief, 3000 yrs ago Primal MK I, pg9
Horfar Grimmr Kalmieri Saga - Unifying leader of Trollkin No Quarter 41, p41+
Hrod Impaler Forces of Hordes (TB), p5
Hyelda Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Jelema Krosslen Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Jendek Champion No Quarter 34, p38
Jorvak Champion Kithkar Primal MKII, p9
Kallel Maroth (female) Chief of the Stonepalms No Quarter 41, p55
Kartol Stone Scribe Chronicler No Quarter 20, p15
Kollock the Great Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Kollock the Red Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Lars Trollkin warrior? Primal MK I, pg110
Lokan Champion w/ Ogrun Chief Stonemet recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Lokan Stoneheart gains 'Stoneheart' No Quarter 41, p58
Madrack Ironhide originally 'rack', Skarre has exclusivity No Quarter 2, p64
Maks Grissel's Pyre Troll No Quarter 23, p14
Margalla the Firewolf Chief? No Quarter 41, p50
Modr Chief, 2nd Trollkin War 262AR, Colossal Killer! Primal MK I, pg76
Pokrul Chief, traitor to Madrak Primal MK I, pg10
Rathrok first appearance of AXE from Old Witch?! No Quarter 41, p52
Rolund Kriel Chief recruited by Horfar No Quarter 41, p55
Runefinger, the Fierce Fox Champion No Quarter 41, p56
Sor Impaler Primal MK II, p9
Tarr Pyre Troll Forces of Hordes (TB), p8
Torfal Mortigarrh Chief? Band of Threetrees Skinners No Quarter 41, p50
Turgol Redeye Grissel's mate Primal MK I, pg82
Vok Impaler Primal MK I, pg6
Vurl Impaler Primal MK II, p9


*As transcribed by Trollblood Historian JoedJ as of April 9, 2012.

May be additional Trollblood names in NQ 1, 3-5, 11-13, 17-18, 24, 26, Metamorphosis (I don't own them…)
No additional Trollblood names found in: WM Prime Remix MK I, Escalation, Legends.
Some names are redundantly listed, found in multiple sources.


  1. I intend to add more/edit the post as I glean more names from future publications (or past publications that I get my meaty hands on!)

  2. Would be sweet is we could find naming conventions for Trolls. Like son of or how the names are passed down. I hope they develope the language like they have for all the other factions...

  3. There were a few Trollkin named in the league fiction with Skaldi if I remember right.

  4. There was some naming guidelines in the old IK books, I'll see what I can dig up.
