
28 May 2012

Extreme Rok...ready for Lock & Load!

Knowing the field will be tough at Lock & Load Masters, I wanted to make sure my modified Rok was ready for the battle.  Afterall, Mulg can only make one list...

It's an Extreme Dire Troll Mauler kit with modified pose/epoxy fill as needed. 

And the finished product:

I thought Rok should be an icy B.M. (Berserking Mauler), thus the crystalline rocky protuberances.  He's poised to throw an upper-cut.  The lower jaw tusks are from the Extreme's mouth.  My Rok uses all the parts of the Rok upgrade kit, I installed the small-ish mandibular teeth of the Rok kit inside the body cavity, just in case.

The only regret I have is I didn't modify his belly for more of a rounded gut.  I guess I'm stuck with the post 12-step Rok, i.e. really amped and ready to guzzle anything, even if it's only Khadorians with a blood alcohol content of  ~.10

See you at Lock & Load!
Here's hoping there's a Stormwall or two to get that axe into!


  1. Anonymous30 May, 2012

    ". . . I installed the small-ish mandibular teeth of the Rok kit inside the body cavity, just in case."

    Hahahaha, nice.
