
03 March 2014

Geek Garage

One of my favorite things to do when I am glueing and painting models, or even just thinking real hard about getting starting is perusing other sites that have helps on how to accomplish this.  Really lets face it, I need all the help I can get when painting models right.  A site that I frequently visit is Geek Garage (Check the banner on the right).  They often run competitions, they have a forum that you can ask questions or seek advice on and they post a little bit on local events.  Check them out when you have time, and if you are overly ambitious you can get something painted up for the intermountain cup (yeah it's in two weeks, but you hardcore painters can do it, I know it.)  See the flier below for more info and go check them out.

The Geek Garage Painting Competition at Intermountain Cup returns as the:
Salty Dwarf Painting Competition!

March 15th at the IMC in Ogden Utah, we the Geek Garage, will be hosting an open painting competition. Complete with prizes!

Here are the details:

$10 Registration fee per entry ($5 if pre-registering*)

2 Categories

1st Category any models on a small or medium sized base (40mm and smaller)

2nd Category models on large bases and bigger (50mm and larger)

Prizes will be awarded for top three in each category!

Competition Rules:

-Entrant must have painted the
fig themselves. No commissions.

-Entries must be received by 12 noon

-The fig will be on display throughout
the day. DO NOT enter a fig if you
plan to use it in the tourney as well.

-Entrant must be present to collect the prize.
 Winners will be announced after round 3
 (between 5pm and 7pm) of the IMC.

-You do not have to play in the tournament
 to enter the painting competition.

-By entering the contest, you give the
 Geek Garage rights to post/publish pictures
 of the figures and Artists where we deem necessary.

*Pre-Registration details: Send Pay Pal payment to leaving a note with a name and
  category along with payment.

Any questions feel free to contact us at

Now grab those brushes and start slinging some paint!!

-Geek Garage

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