08 March 2010

Player Spotlight ~ Goran75

Known to us on the PP forums as Goran75 he is a painter extraordinaire and of course awesome because he plays Trolls.  I sent him a small handful of questions and here are his responses.

Q. How long have you played WM/Hordes, and what got you started?
A. Been playing about 3 times a month for two years or so. Before that I was a 40k fiend (black Templars, Eldar). unfortunately, lately, I have been going through chemo to kick rectal cancer in the *** (eh, get it, subtle humor that). so sadly, I dont have the umph to game at the moment, somedays watching TV is taxing. dont worry this phase is just about over.

Q. What has been your favorite model to paint/mod?
A. Favorite model so far is the Dire Troll Earthborn... so dynamic! I use it as part of my avatar tag. it also was an honorable mention in a NQ mag, (toot horn)

Q. What faction(s) do you play?
A. Mostly trolls... stubbornly trolls (that is a mandatory attribute right?). glad that we just got some helpful bumps in rules! also starting Khador and Retribution... but still Trolls.

Q. Pirates or Ninjas?
A. Ninjas... far more zen, and better hygiene for sure.

Q. What is your strangest moment in Warmachine/Hordes?
A. Somehow I got a reputation for making far more "tough" rolls that statistics should allow. usually if I make one, that same model will make 3 more in a row... the rest of the squad is dead, but there will be 1 dude with a tower of dice next to him, all showing 5&6s.

Q. What is your gaming environment/lgs like?
A. I usually play at Mind Games, we have a pretty good group of guys down there, although we have too many Cryx players for my taste.

Dunno about you folks, but this Troll player sounds like a guy we should all get to know a little better.  And to top it off, some of his finger painting below.


1 comment:

  1. dunno what that says, but the translator says it is this.

    Japanese Restaurant said...

    ~~I wish you a Happy~~Happy every day~~.....................
