Grissel's Grissle vs Warmachine

Points: 743
Model Count: 20
Victory Points: 24
- Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
- Skarath
Slag Troll
Earthborn Dire Troll
Fell Caller
Trollkin Hero
Trollkin Hero
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Long Riders [5] (2 added)
Dahlia Hallyr
Grissel's Grissle vs Hordes

Points: 746
Model Count: 30
Victory Points: 25
- Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
- Kriel Warrior Standard & Piper [2]
- Skarath
Pyre Troll
Troll Impaler
Fell Caller
Trollkin Hero
Kriel Warriors [9] (3 added)
Trollkin Long Riders [5] (2 added)
Dahlia Hallyr
Going first is ideal so you can do a 2/3 run or full run depending on your enemy. Then feat turn 2 and get your Champs and Longriders engaging their whole front line and as much of their secondary as you can, hopefully getting some attacks but hoof it to move right past and engage everything you can since you are immune to freestrikes. Keep Grissel back and use beasts and even Heroes for support if needed. I found that other than her feat turn and a Hoof it/War Cry she is much more suiting to support until end game.
With the leap the Snake will almost always get the first attack on their caster and most enemies will be scrambling to deal with 84 wounds worth of Champs and Longriders. The Snake should get one or two good hits in and will paralyze the caster making them lose their movement and will most likely hurt them roughly 80%, at least thats how most my games have gone so far (all four of them) The snakes animus is fantasic here as they will have to ensure hitting it unless they want to get hit back. The Beasts in the WM army are there to take out the jacks that deal with your front line. The ones in the Hordes army are there for support to boost damage on a Hero or a nice Crit Slam.
After the Dhalia assassination run there will be something/anything free to finish up the caster unless the dice gods have been unfavorable. For me this has been whats left of the Champs and/or my beasts along with Grissel herself. Once Grissel enters the fight they get no more spells and she increases everyones chance to hit and damge if she can land the spell. If the gobbers are still around most casters will have -2 Mat, and -2 more mat if Grissel has hit them (two games I pulled this off). If the snake is still alive the caster will also be paralyzed and unable to move. It should be game over at this point.
Like I said its a work in Progress, but this latest incarnation of my Grissel lists is actually winning. Something I have struggled in the past to do with her.
You get to keep the snake and whore until Sept...and when the Retribution launches....Snake and whore come home to teach you dirty, low life scrum scum a lesson or three....
ReplyDeleteTrolls = no small bases (I don't often run Pygs). So at least the snake can't swallow my Trolls whole.
ReplyDeleteTrollbloods are a pain to try and kill off, but one thing that makes them horrendous to deal with is the kreilstone bearer. Especially in a list designed to get up to the opponent's lines and stay there I think this unit would be a huge benefit.
ReplyDeleteRunning first turn to keep up then advancing and throwing up the aura second turn would make the trolls even harder to kepp and beat back. Plus if you take the UA against Warmachine it gives them an option to deal with some of the incorporeal/impervious wall tricks that WM players can throw on the table.
Honestly, I live and die by the KSB but haven't missed it at all with this Grissel army. The very agressive nature of the army makes things like that a non issue early in game. Pretty much you have their entire army tied up turn two. Daughters and Ghostly aside, all I'd have to worry about are pistol wraiths and Vilmon without support from their army trying to kill my caster who can transfer damage. We will see of course as people in my local meta learn to counter it.