They're drunk Scottish football hooligans. The flaming caber just adds so much to that image. "'Ey lads, let's set it afire!" "YEEAAAHH" Oleeee ole ole oleeee... ~Not Dice~
29 April 2011
Make Them Scatter
a guide to Scattergunner's by theummhmmguy
With the upcoming release of the Scattergunner Officer and Standard I have been asked by a handful of people how I run my Scattergunner to effectiveness. Since there are many loud voices on how bad they are it is time for me to set the record on the other point of view. That is the POV of those of us that not only like the Scattergunners but feel like they not only good, but an effective tournament worthy choice.

24 April 2011
Quick and Dirty Painting - RESULTS!
Well...after some seriously hot contention between what would be painted, and what would not, the Long Riders have finally beaten out the Earthborn form my next project. This was won by a mere 5 votes mind you. So, I have decided immediately proceeding this project my Earthborn will hit the table. So Starting Monday I will be beginning work on my Long Riders.

This will be an interesting journey because someone had offered to paint these for me some time ago and half heartedly started. The scheme wasn't too my liking and they never really had any intention of finishing them so I decided to strip and repaint them. Below is the state they are in as well as my table in disarray with the projects I have lined up. One of which was a result of one of my canines. At any rate, here's the BEFORE....but you'll have to wait for the after.
23 April 2011
Calling the Blitz: an article on the use of the often overlooked Blitzer
By Dark Angel
The Blitzer is a bit of an anomaly in the dire troll stable. He doesn’t hit as hard as the Mauler, EBTD or Mulg and has less reliable shooting then the Bomber. Many often question his value at 9 points, arguing that it’s better to pay the 1 point more for the Bomber and well, most of the time, they’re probably right however, the Blitzer does have a role and he does offer a number of things to a troll player that are otherwise not available. Lets go through them:
The support caster’s best friend:
The Blitzer has an award winning yet often overlooked Animus, while he can use it on himself (more on that later) handing your caster the ability to extract himself from combat is not to be overlooked. Granted you can argue that he should never have been there in the first place but it happens and when it does, having a Blitzer on the board helps.
22 April 2011
UNBOUND--Preliminary Thoughts
So one of the cool things that's recently been announced is UNBOUND for Warmachine/Hordes. The basic idea is that it's a more fun way to do huge, 150+ point games and simulate epic battles that occur in Caen. One of the best examples of this from a Trollblood perspective is the defense of Crael Valley by Grissel Bloodsong, Calandra Truthsayer and Grim Angus against the traitorous Cygnarn 4th army. Normally, games like this suck because you spend an hour waiting for your turn while your opponent wails on you, and whoever goes first ends up with a serious advantage because they can tie together massive and ridiculous combos that kill everything on your side by the end of turn 2. Having played these games in the past, I wasn't entirely a fan.
Unbound has me excited though. The concept is thus: you divide your force by battlegroup, and each battlegroup then can activate X number of solos and units--let's call them detachments--each round. It's alternating activations by these detachments (i.e. you-go-I-go). You can't activate the detachment used at the bottom of the last round at the top of the next, preventing nasty double-dipping. Games are typically played on a GW-size board, so 4x6 feet. Initiative changes every round, so you never can be sure if you'll be reacting or leading.
19 April 2011
Quick and Dirty Painting - Off Hours
Since we are still waiting for the polls to close on what you Scrummers want me to paint I decided to throw some paint on my Runebearer. The total paint time was approximately 2hrs give or take 10min depending on how you gauge bathroom or drink breaks. His face was a little tasking since it's kind of scrunched in there and sort of complicated. So, without any ado and until voting closes...here he is!
13 April 2011
Yeap, its about time eh folks. All your old links should redirect and everything should be back to normal in no more than three days, but if they don't this is why,heck if we have too many problems we can always blame Cryx. If you find any problems or errors please email me at trollbloodscrum@yahoo.com or thegreatblah@trollbloodscrum.com
11 April 2011
Quick & Dirty Painting - Poll
Which model do you guys want us to make Goris paint and blog about next. I'm all for torture and was immediately thinking Nyss Hunters but Goris shortened the list on me. He still has given us some fantastic choices. So chime in, what do you guys want to see next.
Earthborn Dire Troll
Long Riders (3)
Poll is on the right side my fellows Trolls and Trollettes. So eat, drink, and party like a Pygmy... oh yeah, and please vote too.
08 April 2011
Player Spotlight ~ Saerko
Here at The Scrum we have decided to periodically showcase a Trollblood player. Saerko is an invaluable member to the online Trollblood community and has taken the leadership role on the forums in organizing help documents and well as co-ordinating efforts for the league. So, without further ado, we give you some insight to one of our fearless leaders (and hopefully soon to be contributor) Saerko.
04 April 2011
Quick and Dirty Painting – Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
You know them! You love them! They are a must have in nearly every Trollblood army. And I was tired of them not being painted, so this installment of Quick and Dirty Painting brings you the Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes!
As simple as it sounds: base coat EVERYTHING. Make sure you get even paint coverage on everything on the model. No metal showing. You can easily go over things if you don’t like the color later and it’s much easier to paint over errors when they clearly contrast the paint already on the model. It’s also nice to pick the general theme of the model during this phase as well. I’ve recently decided my Trolls will be of the Red Sash Kriels. They might even be a back story if I decide to make one! The colors should be pretty obvious for everything here as I have few paint colors and I try to keep it as simple as possible.
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