Hoarluk Doomshaper

Not the epic one, but the regular old codger himself. Until recently the only Fury 7 caster in the Trollblood arsenal, full of potential he fails miserably. Simply stated his very very low Def and Arm are the reason. And even though his epic version has the same stats, the regular version of him is not nearly as offense minded as his epic self. Troll buffage can get Doomy's armor up pretty high, but it takes alot of points and work and situation to get it there making it difficult to do and unreliable to pull off.
Bad Bad, terribad, okay the 7 fury is nice.
FEAT - Dhunia's Rage
You cast a spell or use focus/fury, you take damage.
Actually a pretty danged good weapon, one free upkeep per turn AND hits harder for every focus on it. Problem is if rDoomy is in melee he is probably dead already.
Scroll of the Will of Balasar - Make enemy beasts that frenzy attack what you want them to.
Calming Effect - Friendly Beasts don't hurt the good guys when they Frenzy.
Tough - Well duh! He is Troll therefore he is tough.
Accursed - Damage with this one and they have to lose their movement or activation.
Fortune - Reroll missed attack rolls, or made attack rolls.
Dissolution - Enemy upkeep spells begone AND your screwed for having one on you.
Rampager - Force a Threshold check on enemy beasts before they leech and have to check again.
Vexation - Choose whether the model/unit hit activates first or last.
He looks good, he really does, but he dies soooooo easy.
Coming soon... Trollkin Thumper Crew.
Trollblood Outcasts.
Hoarluk Doomshaper
Winter Troll
Thumper Crew
And my likely list for Wednesday night.

Faction: Trollblood
Points: 743
Model Count: 39
Victory Points: 27
Hoarluk Doomshaper
Pyre Troll
Troll Bouncer
Winter Troll
Fell Caller
Trollkin Hero
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [4] (0 added)
> Stone Scribe Elder [1]
Pyg Burrowers [6] (0 added)
Pyg Bushwackers [6] (0 added)
Thumper Crew [3]
Trollkin Champions [5]
Trollkin Scattergunners [6] (0 added)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]