20 June 2012


Make your pics on the Dire Brackets in our double elimination Trolls vs Trolls bracket challenge.
Whomever picks the most correct picks will win a $50 coupon for Battlefoam.
There will also be a $15 prize and a Trollbloods foam topper for two lucky participants.  Each Player may do up to three brackets.
All donations will get Goris to a convention to get tournament information, spoils and other goodies for our audience.

Get your brackets in no later than Thursday June 28th at 12PM MST.  Then join us on Vassal and Skype as our players battle for supremacy.  Who will be the most dominant Troll,  one of our teams of two, or one of our guys flying solo?  The battles will be fast and furious, AXE TO MOUTH BABY.

Click on the following link, goto Files and Download to edit the Spreadsheet.  Then follow the instructions in the spreadsheet.
If you do not have excel and open office doesn't work then email direbrackets@trollbloodscrum.com with your picks and we will manually enter them.  If you choose this option be warned, we like bribes.

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