Photo From PP Forums
For all you Pheonix Gamers out there, here is the lowdown from our local Shop Owner.
Escalation Tournament
Round 1 - 350pts. Mangled Metal/Tooth & Claw
- Warcaster/Warlock and Warjacks/Warbeasts Only.
- 30 Minute Match, 5 Minute Turns, One 2 Minute Extension Allowed.
- Victory Condition: Caster Kill or All Warjacks/Warbeasts killed.
- Everything from your 350pts. list must be included.
- All Eligible, Released, Models allowed.
- 60 Minute Match, 12 Minute Turns, One 5 Minute Extension Allowed.
- Victory Condition: Caster Kill, Army Annihilation, or VP if time is called.
- Everything from your 500pts. list must be included.
- If you Caster has and Epic Form You Must bring it.
- All Eligible, Released, Models allowed.
- 90 Minute Match, 15 Minute Turns, One 5 Minute Extension Allowed.
- Victory Condition: Caster Kill, Army Annihilation, or VP if time is called.
- Each Pairing game size will be determine by a d6 roll right before game starts.
- Match Rules will follow the rules for the game size of previous rounds.
Ah, escalation tournaments. Just remember, if your opponent brings goreshade in 350, you are allowed to hit him with a pillowsack full of doorknobs.
ReplyDeleteStandard house rules. Goreshade comes with banethalls and a possible concussion.
Yeap I like those rules.
ReplyDeleteI can support that...PPS_Kevin...Errata PLEEZKThnx
ReplyDeleteYou grab Goreshade and flush him down the toilet. Try not to laugh as your opponent tries to explain what happened.
ReplyDeleteS'all about Gorten at 350 or 500pts. Landslide winds scenarios, hands down. Once you get to 750 he just can't keep pace.
ReplyDeleteNo scenarios at 350 in this tournament though, meaning Goreshade is once again king douchebag of cheese mountain.
ReplyDeleteI will be in Vegas this weekend as well, so if he is played, I will consider driving a couple hours to enfore the new ruling :)