30 June 2011

Grandpa With A Big Heart

This post rather than talk about Khador or Trolls (blasphemy), I want to talk about one of the most noble and big hearted things Ive ever seen. If you were at Lock'n'Load you probably saw a young man in a wheelchair being accompanied by his grandpa. I got a chance to talk to the grandpa while the kid was being helped by their NA. The love and compassion that the grandpa had for his grandson was astounding. The grandson couldn't move his arms so he would tell the grandpa where he wanted his figs to go and what they were to do and the grandpa would do it for him.

Honestly I was choked up by this. That grandpa deserves a medal. Not only was he taking an interest in the things his grandson was doing, he was enabling him to do it. I think that kid, for his grandpas sake, should have won one of the battlefoam bags that were in the drawing.

I just wanted to tell you all about someone that made me a better person. There is a lesson there that we can all learn from.

Khador doesnt need more arc-nodes. We have plenty of arc-nodes. The main spell we cast through those nodes? Axe to face. Juggernaut, berserker, drago, beast. They're all great nodes for the Axe to face.


  1. Anonymous30 June, 2011

    I'm glad someone wrote about this, as I was debating it if no one else did. This was by far the coolest thing I saw at Lock N' Load, and I still get choked up thinking about it.

  2. Anonymous30 June, 2011

    Agreed. This was one of the best moments at Lock N' Load. Grandpa gets +1 Internets.

  3. That's one of the nicest things I've heard all week. What a star!

  4. thats really nice :) he must be the worlds best grandpa :D
