17 September 2011

Paint and Model Like You Got a Pair!! Part 2

Hi all. Last week I discussed 3 basic tips on how to get the most out of the painting and modeling experience. Today, I would like to discuss a few more tips, focusing on your work area. And again, I'm doing this from work, so please, please......don't tell my boss.

Part one can be found here.

Tip #4) Don't be a Slob! Keeping your work area clean is a bigger deal than one might think. You don't want to hunt through a huge mountain of paint bottles, empty Mountain Dew cans, and snickers wrappers to find that one thing you are looking for. Keep your area clean, your brushes and tools organized, and your paints arranged properly. This will not only give you room to work, but can cut down on unnecessary time searching for things.

Tip #5) Limit your paints. Don't break out every paint you own to work on one project. Just have a few out that you know you will need. Keeping a limited palette will not only save time looking for the proper colors, But will help keep your army colors cohesive and consistent.

Tip #6) Listen to something. Have your radio or iPod ready. Having something to listen to will help build a better painting/modeling environment. In fact, I have several playlists and custom radio stations on Pandora specifically for painting. This is also a perfect time to listen to a podcast such as Scrumcast (shameless plug). Avoid painting/modeling in silence, and try and avoid watching TV while you work, as you may spend more time watching instead of working. If you must watch TV while you work, put it on something you can ignore, such as a movie you've watched a thousand times.

Again, look for my future posts on painting and modeling, and always remember Tip #1, Have Fun!

'Painted armies are like Loaded Dice, they always play better.'

P.S. - If anyone has any painting/modeling advice, please share. I would love to hear them!


  1. All good points that can help aleviate the drudgery of painting.

  2. I've worn out my Pirates of the Caribbean DVDs following #6. I find that having something that moves and is a bit further away than the model from one's eyes is vital in giving the poor eyemeats a break.
