Welcome back scrum bums to the second installment of Sid's Saturday Shenanigans! Where in this post I continue to paint the Trollblood Sluggers, and bring these models closer to finishing, and be table-top ready.Recently, I've been commissioned to paint more models, and I will be showcasing these models as well. The first being a Man-o-War Drakhun for Adam, A.K.A Sephiroth's_Khador, and then followed by a Legion heavy warbeast; the Scythean. It will largely depend on how much I will be able to paint in the coming week, but my goal is to have at least the Drakhun done by Saturday, then the following Saturday I will then have the Scythean painted and ready to be showcased in S^3 #4.
Well, that is all for announcements. Let's get down to it shall we.....
Trollblood Sluggers - Session 2
For the tartan pattern on the sluggers, I wanted to follow Grissel's scheme, in honor of the upcoming release of her epic model for Domination. I painted the gloves and boots Battlefield Brown, and the cords on the gun itself Bloodtracker Brown. Then to make things go quicker, I washed with a 1:1 Chestnut Ink/Water mix over everything except the skin. Going over different colors with the same ink, I think, will not only make it faster to paint certain areas, but also make each of the colors more distinct without clashing with the other colors.
I went back over and dry-brushed the gun with Pig Iron again, to make it less rusty, but still battle-worn and used. I did the same for the knee-guards and the metal plates on the boots. I also did a 3:1 Bloodtracker Brown/Rucksack Tan mixture to highlight the Kriel sash, and prepare it for the tartan pattern, which will follow soon after. I still have other parts of the model that aren't painted yet, but they will come with time. I also decided to base the model and get it ready for painting. I am not sure what theme I am going to make the base, but I am sure that I will look amazing.
Thanks again for tuning into S^3, and I hope that my new plan and schedule will help bring S^3 to you across the internets weekly. Next week, I will post the final product of the Sluggers and bring to you the Man-o-War Drakhun. And again, sorry for the late post and for not posting last Saturday. Thanks for your patience and support.
Until next Saturday! Good Night and Good Luck!
Looking good!