From time to time here on The Scrum we like to highlight a Trollbloods player. This time we decided to pick on the player known in the PP forums as VASH1318. There are many reasons why we pick a player for a spotlight, in this case that reason is largely due to the fact that Vash claims that Stubbs cannot beat his way out of a wet sack with his Cryxian army...
1) What got you into warmachine/hordes, and what got you into trolls?
Well I was at my LGS, The Only Game In Town, home of the NJ S.O.Bs, and I was a 40k player. A warmachine player, who was a non-S.O.B, and honestly a jerk, offered me a demo, every other game I would play with him I would hate, he was a bad sport, a cheat, and a noob stomper. What I will say is that he gave a great demo that made me want to play the game. I started Menoth but very soon looking at the wonderfully flavored trolls I fell in love. I sold my Imperial Guard for trolls but I couldn't get enough... so I sold my menoth too and never regretted it.
2) What is your gaming experience?
Oh jeez... uhhh... Magic since 5th grade, started 40k when i was 16, warmachine 6 months later, a Job at my LGS when i turned 17 and that job really introduced me to tons of games, be it board, mini or ccg. Ide say its pretty large all around. Im 21 now, It's hard to believe I've been playing for 4 years, even if thats dwarfed by other players, time flew on me.
3) What is your favorite Model in Warmachine/ Hordes, why?
Come now, the great Madraker himself I've been playing him since MK2 started, I can't get tired of him, I love writing about him, killing stuff with him, going to dinner with him, cuddling, he really is a gentleman.
4) What is your favorite Trollbloods model and why?
Well to not just repeat more things I love about the Great Madraker, i guess ide have to say Calandra. I have a buddy who describes playing blue in magic. "It's control, you play blue because you hate other magic players and don't actually want them to have fun, you draw your fun out of their misery." I see calandra's control of dice much like blue, between making my dice great, and their dice terrabad, I can draw enjoyment of the game from their misery.
5) What is your favorite Trollbloods blog?
Honestly I try to stay off warmachine Blogs and forums. I take long hiatus's from them and every now and then will come back for a week or two to make posts. Templecon success with E Madrak was my motivation to get that guide up.
What he meant to say here was TrollbloodScrum, but we will give him a poass this time.
6) What is your most crazy in game experience with or vs Trolls?
It was against one of my local PGs. PG Norbert from the NJ S.O.Bs (now located somewhere in the U.K) was playing kromac against me in a tourney. Looking back I should have played E doomy against circle but I went with the Madraker. He was beating the tar out of me and I made a desperate charge with blood furyed fenn's attacking kromac over a wall in a druid cloud. 1 hit and threw on like 9 damage and he took it because he saw no real reason to transfer, as it was the last fenn to hit in a lucky hit. He spent the next turn further clearing my board and I had Madrak, a Mauler, and maybe horthol. He still had like 2 Heavy beasts, plus stones, plus 2 or 3 durids, and Kromac behind a wall with 3 or 4 transfers. 1 burrower was unfortunately in combat with him behind that wall but I had pretty much lost so I figured I would page 5 him. My mauler raged the Great Madraker who strutted forward and took aim. If I recall correctly def 14+4 for wall+ 4 for combat=22-6 for rat= i needed a 16 to hit. I still had my feat so I was gonna throw twice no matter what. First throw, 5,5,6!! Hit, crit, and Kromac already had 9 damage on him from that fennblade. The bastard was in human form which meant dice plus 4. I boosted damage and rolled enough to kill and thanks to the fantastic crit he couldn't transfer. Marked up another ax kill for the Madraker. We were both laughing at the end.
7) Lock and Load... you going?
To far for me all the way in New Jersey, it's hard to have that kinda travel money in college. I attend Templecon.
8) If you could change any trollbloods model stats, what would you change and how would you change it?]
Thats a tough one, Probably Scattergunners to Rat 6, I'm not sure how fair that would be, and really thinking about it, it wouldn't be too balanced at all, but I would finally be able to justify purchasing a unit that I think looks so awesome. Oh all the hits I would get.
9) If there is anything I can thank for how I became a good player, be it good strategies for rolling, list building, in game awareness, It's is thanks to the NJ S.O.B play group, only way to get better is to lose, you learn more. I did't place in a tourney for 2 years in that group, then right after templecon 2011 I won 2 in a row, and placed in a 3rd after that. If you want to learn to play great, find a strong play group and lose till you learn how to win. Stomping a weak play group learns you nothing. Thanks for all the losses Tom, Jeremy, and PG Norbert. But not PG Stubbs.... I don't lose to PG Stubbs....
Here are a few pics from Vash's collection.
Little Brother is watching you!!!!
What it takes to commence Madraking
Fact: Teaches Bruce Banner how to be angry for a part time job.
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