To do this we have come up with a few ways that you can help us bring you the very latest in information from cons as well as bring back swag for those that donate. Yes, we will even Ninja shop for you.
$20 Donation
Showcased at Lock and Load 2012 these handstiched patches look great on your bag (of course I'm biased, but I love the way mine looks). For a $20 Dollar Donation I'll send you one.
Trollbloodscrum Dice
$20 Donation
Hot of the press we have our Trollbloodscrum 'TOUGH' dice. If you don't want a patch, We will send you set(2) of these so you can tough it out in style for you games.
Trollbloodscrum Patch and Dice
$35 Donation
If you can't decide which one you like more, increase your donation amount to this and we will happily send you a set of dice and the Scrum Patch.
$55 Donation
Now we're getting serious, in addition to the dice and the patch if you donate $55 you will get creative control including a guest appearance of one episode of our podcast. Whatever you want Goris to talk about no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it might be... he's your Huckleberry.
Painted Model
$75 Donation
Our largest donation gets you all of the benefits mentioned above, in addition Sid or Goris will give you a Master Quality paint job on the model of your choice (We will even pay for the first $10 towards the purchase of the model AND have largely discounted models available from one of our sponsors. Huge base models are the only exception. $100 or more will land you a paint job on a Huge base model.)
For a $70 Donation, TheGreatBlah will paint your model instead. Why is it cheaper to have TheGreatBlah paint your model you ask... well, you get what you pay for :)
How Do I Donate? Click the paypal link on the left side of the page or on the top of the Donations page and enter your desired donation amount in the following paypal page and voila! you're in like Flynt.
In addtion to the benefits above Goris and Sid will happily procure any convention related material you ask for should you provide them the flow. We're excited to send out Scrummers abroad and hope to use them to bring you information and goodies from the front lines
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