22 October 2013

The Hunters Grim Challenge ~ Win Percentages Warmachine

Today we look at the simple win percentages against each Warmachine facitons for The Hunters Grim.  You'll notice a few things right away that you knew already and a few others right away that you maybe suspect should be otherwise with a larger sample.  Our Warmachine sample was just over two hundred games.

Each Faction Square percentages are in relation to the games played within that faction.  The totals at the bottom are the sum of all Warmachine Factions.

CygnarWin - Caster Kill57.14%78.57%
Win - Scenario21.43%Win
Loss - Caster Kill21.43%21.43%
Loss - Scenario0.00%Loss
ProtectorateWin - Caster Kill57.14%57.14%
Win - Scenario0.00%Win
Loss - Caster Kill28.57%42.86%
Loss - Scenario14.29%Loss
KhadorWin - Caster Kill61.11%72.22%
Win - Scenario11.11%Win
Loss - Caster Kill22.22%27.78%
Loss - Scenario0.00%Loss
CryxWin - Caster Kill9.09%36.36%
Win - Scenario27.27%Win
Loss - Caster Kill45.45%63.64%
Loss - Scenario9.09%Loss
RetributionWin - Caster Kill11.11%22.22%
Win - Scenario11.11%Win
Loss - Caster Kill77.78%77.78%
Loss - Scenario0.00%Loss
MercenariesWin - Caster Kill42.86%42.86%
Win - Scenario0.00%Win
Loss - Caster Kill18.18%57.14%
Loss - Scenario9.09%Loss
ConvergenceWin - Caster Kill36.36%63.64%
Win - Scenario27.27%Win
Loss - Caster Kill18.18%36.36%
Loss - Scenario9.09%Loss
Warmachine TotalWin - Caster Kill41.56%57.14%
Win - Scenario15.58%Win
Loss - Caster Kill32.47%42.86%
Loss - Scenario5.19%Loss

 One of the things you will notice right away is that we struggle protecting Grim 2 against Retribution's assassination attempts though Cryx gets him often as well.  On the flip side Khadoran Warcasters are quite a bit easier to handle for Trolls than you would suspect... Hey we're good at taking down those pesky high armor or hard to kill at ranged warcasters a.k.a. melee assassinations are something Trollbloods excel at.

Another thing you will see by the numbers that you probably already suspected was that not many Warmachine armies beat Trollbloods by scenario. The only faction that made a dent winning by scenario against Trolls was Protectorate, again, something we already suspected.

Trolls seem to perform quite well against Cygnar and Khador, my own personal stats reflect this since the release of Mark II for Hordes and I have played games in many different metas all over the country helping validate those stats in my mind.  Trolls seem also to struggle winning against Cryx and Retribution, this one, while not reflected to as large a margin also is validated by my own stats though I have a winning record against Cryx.  PS I hate you Retribution, stop killing my Warcasters.

Next post we will look at Hordes and the totals.  Then we will pinpoint our problem areas by the numbers and see what we can do as a faction to shore that up.


  1. That somewhat surprises me. Cryx is generally melee intensive, and I would expect them to suffer against the amount of Tough they have to cut through. I get that the blood hag is fairly annoying in that regard, but against the Hunters Grim specifically, he has Mage Sight for that kind of nonsense. Ret, I suppose I can see a bit more of, but he still has a decent toolbox to handle stealth and whatnot.

    1. I agree that Grim is better suited to handle Cryx than other casters it does not negate Trollblood players ability to keep him from getting assassinated by Cryxian armies. Cryx excells at doing bad things to our casters and Grim is just as susceptible to being killed if you aren't careful. My own personal stats against Cryx are better but I have seen many Trollblood players beat themselves just because they see certain armies on the other side of the table (i.e. Cryx)
